Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby baby oh baby banana fanna...

I had a dream last night that Maeg was in labor for exactly 7 hours and gave birth to a baby that weighed exactly 7 pounds! She does not have pre-eclampsia, and is doing fine. No labor yet.

No baby yet, but maybe that's a good thing, as they have yet to agree on a name for the baby. I, of course, can conjure up some very silly and inappropriate names, but that's not really helpful in the eleventh hour. The dilemma here is that both Maeg and Krus want to choose a name that sounds beautiful and has meaningful connotations in both English and Indonesian (and maybe in Javanese, also). Keeping one foot in each culture (American/Indonesian) presents some fairly interesting name choices. I am staying out of it. I already tried to pry out of Krus the baby's name when Maeg announced several weeks ago that they had agreed on a name (I guess it eventually was vetoed), but they weren't going to share that information with anyone, for fear of ridicule, giggling, or otherwise negative reactions.

Now I had a mission. I tried to get Krus liquored up so he'd spill the beans. In typical Javanese fashion, he gave me a name, all right. Now that I look back on it, I see that he answered too quickly. It didn't even take a lot of cajoling, pleading, or even liquor. I was smug with my knowledge, smitten really, and flounced back into the house to announce to Maeg that she could keep her little secret, because I already knew the baby's name. When I told her what Krus had told me, she laughed and said that was a name that Krus had invented on the spot! Apparently, Javanese people will tell you anything to appease you, whether it's factual or not. Such a clever man, that Krus!

Happy birthday, my dear friend, Dean Bliss. Miss you immensely. Love you even more. Since we still haven't thrown ourselves the 50/45 combo party, maybe we'll make it to the 55/50 party.

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