Thursday, December 31, 2009


As we prepare to sweep out 2009 and welcome in 2010, a pause for reflection might be in order. Let's was 2009, really?

For most of us, there were certainly many events we would like to put behind us, or simply forget.

And, for the majority of us, there were a at least a few events that were memorable, pleasant, fun, surprising, or just that...memorable.

I can say, with utmost certainty and yes, even authority, that 2009 brought so many changes...some wanted, savored, cherished, and some, not so much. But isn't that just the way life is?

I hope 2010 finds family and friends enjoying better days ahead, however one chooses to define "better".

Let me begin 2010 with a renewed passion to give, to forgive, to learn, to love, and to enjoy.

Cheers to us all. Here's hoping this finds you and yours well-fed, warm, dry, comfortable, with a roof over your head, loved one(s) nearby, something great in the oven/toaster oven/hotplate, something remarkable to read, or someone remarkable to chat with, and at the end of the evening, may you have sweet, lovely dreams waiting in the wings for you tonight as you drift off into dreamland.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wise words from a seasoned grandparent

Just in case I haven't deluged you enough with photos of the little gem, here's another.

One of the best quotes of the year, courtesy of Jacqui Baiardo, nurse extraordinaire at EVC, on grandparenting:

"Grandchildren don't come with all the baggage children do. You don't have to worry about shots, chickenpox, or the bully next door. It doesn't matter what you feed them or when, that's for Mom and Dad to fuss about. And if they smell real bad or throw call the parents and they do the hard stuff."

Thank you, dear friend, for those wise words. I will keep them handy for future reference.

Anyone else care to add to the treasure trove of grandparenting advice? I welcome any and all pearls of wisdom and perspectives.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I like the "old" so much better!

In my ever present "life is really just another SNL skit waiting to happen", I am happy to share two memorable clips from Steve Martin. The first one is an audio only version of "Silver Bells" with Paul Simon, and the second one is Steve Martin's famous "Christmas Wishes", which aired on SNL many years ago.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

"Splish, splash, she was taking a bath..."

One of the great myths of babyhood is that infants enjoy their bath time. I remember the challenge of giving each of my three children their first bath. With my first, Maeg, I fully expected her to look around, appreciate the warm water and the fact that I had heated up the kitchen to sauna-type temperature with my old O'Keefe and Merritt oven (we lived in a very old, drafty California bungalow at the time). In the kitchen sink she went, to rest comfortably (at least I thought it looked comfortable) on an oversize sponge made just for such an occasion. That's when the screaming started. Not only was her first bath not particularly enjoyable, it was downright miserable. Subsequent baths were decidedly more pleasant, and as time went on, bath time was very, very enjoyable. Not so much the very first bath. Exactly the same scenario with all three children. First bath, not fun.

Flash forward twenty five years and we have Sohna. Yesterday was bath day for her. My job this time around was relegated to amateur photographer. I was happy to oblige. No more slippery, soapy, wiggly little body to attempt to bathe. Nope. I would be happily clicking away, while Sohna enjoyed her sauna-type temperature in Mom and Dad's bedroom, assisted by the space heater, since the hacienda is also very old and drafty.

Fast forward a couple of seconds. The screaming begins. Two sets of hands (Mom's and Dad's) move quickly, efficiently, albeit lovingly, to get this damn bath over with. Clearly, some things haven't changed at all in 25 years.
Baby's first bath is still awful, followed by a swift scooping up and bundling in a towel, followed by even more screaming for the "Let's get dressed, shall we?" (in a favorite outfit I saved from Taylor's infant days, 20 years ago) and then finally, the last minute grooming, the combing of the oh-so-fine baby hair, and at last, the sigh of relief by all parties that the first bath is finished. We didn't even drop the baby! It's a modern day miracle!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Practically perfect in every way!

Every now and again, nature surprises us with a gift, and makes us so very grateful to be alive. Yesterday was one of those times.

Maeg and Krus welcomed their baby girl, Sohna (pronounced SOH-na, emphasis on the Oh sound) yesterday, 12/09/09 at 5:46 P.M. She came bouncing into this world at 7 lbs., 13 oz., and 20 inches long. She has Krus' nose and Maeg's eyes. She is, without a doubt, the most beautiful baby I've ever seen (except, of course, my 3 children). She didn't make her grand appearance looking all wrinkly and shriveled at all! She spent the first hour or so inspecting her new world with wide, inquisitive eyes, very calmly taking it all in.

I wonder if she will have Krus' stunning smile and infectious, easy laugh, as well as his extremely calm and quiet demeanor, quick wit, loving ways, and musical creativity and talent? Or will she be more like her mother, with creativity oozing out of every pore of her being, also very musically talented, as well as impetuous, funny, impulsive, witty, strong willed, intellectual, unconventional, and loving?

Only time will tell. It's a fabulous gene cocktail, that's for sure. For now, I am happy to be holding this tiny amazing bundle of love, feeling her oh-so-soft skin, sniffing in the essence of babyhood, and watching her look around at her family, who is so grateful she's got all 10 fingers and 10 toes and everything where it should be. Just like Mary Poppins, she is practically perfect in every way. Only better.

Welcome to the land of love, little one. We're awfully glad you're here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My friend Dean sent me a video of a fundraising effort about breast cancer. What started out as a promo for their new pink exam gloves turned into a wonderful opportunity to have some fun, raise awareness and funds. (You'll have to click on the link below. The video will open in a new window. Don't worry. It's worth it!)
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