Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Guilt, guilty, guilty!

You've gotta watch this. Watch it all the way through, too. So funny (the teeth really got me giggling), sweet, and clever.

Courtesy of foodplot

Friday, March 25, 2011

Forget the tarradiddles, enjoy the flowers!

In an effort to have a much more positive weekend than this work week has been, I went out first thing this morning to enjoy my garden! Here are some photos. I especially like the photo of the flowers and the meyer lemon tree, which has been a delight, indeed. (You can't really see the entire tree, just a lemon in the picture below.)

Note to self for next year's planting: Cover the raised flowerbed with something after planting the bulbs, to keep the squirrels from digging up the bulbs. Suspiciously, although I planted over 100 bulbs, the entire center of the flowerbed is almost empty, thanks to the squirrels who, I suppose, were thinking they were digging up their buried treasure, but, were, in fact, digging up my bulbs! Oh well, worse things could have happened. Hope those damn squirrels enjoy gnawing on tulip bulbs.

Oh, my. I wonder if it made them sick? Also suspiciously, I haven't seen nearly as many squirrels out and about near my yard. But, then again, I'm usually not home during daylight hours. I don't actually want to poison the little fuckers (okay, well maybe just a teeny, tiny bit since they stole the majority of my bulbs). The circle of life and all.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Springing up everywhere!

On a much lighter note, I hope to post some pictures of my lovely tulips and other bulbs that are bursting up in my garden. Daffodils? Already come and gone, but I did enjoy many, many bouquets (all outside, because one of the cats loves to munch on anything, and I mean absolutely anything! I leave before the sun comes up and I get home after the sun has set, so I haven't had a chance to take any pictures yet. How, you might ask, do I know for sure the bulbs are blooming? A flashlight. There I was this morning, in the rain, at 5:00 a.m., checking out my gorgeous blooms. Stay tuned. Photos to follow tomorrow...I have the day off! Woo hoo! So, for today, here's a photo from one year ago, with my little spot of sunshine, otherwise known as Little Lady Luscious, and sometimes called Miss Zippy.

What we catch

A student popped into my office yesterday who had all sorts of reasons why he was not performing at optimum level in his science class. In his lengthy list of excuses, he reported that he caught a DV (domestic violence). I explained that one does not catch a crime like a cold or the flu; one commits a crime. The student agreed with me that he was responsible for his own actions.

In the very next breath and sentence, the student went on to tell me that not only had he caught a DV, but his father had also caught a DV, as well as numerous other members of his family. Although this student admitted he was determined not to repeat the actions of his father and relatives, he found himself doing exactly that.

And, you know, he's right, in a perverse, twisted way. DV is contagious. I dutifully washed my hands after I gave him a great big hug and sent him on his way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Basic Nature of Humankind

I've always been a big believer in the philosophy/world view that the basic nature of humankind is good, not evil. I'm beginning to wonder. Events around the world, along with my specific part of the world, lead me to question my previously held belief about people.

As tension and anxiety rise like steam off the sidewalk in a sweltering-hot, mid-summer thunderstorm, I'm watching people behave in a manner that surely would disappoint Miss Manners. How sad that we don't support each other in tough times. How sad, indeed.

C'est la guerre.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Good to be Green!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all you lads and lassies, especially Megan, Flannery, and Taylor, my leprechauns in life!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh
(la ale-lah pwad-rig son-ah jeev)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Big Lebowski Weekend

Everyone was there. The Dude, The Jesus, Maude, Bunnie, and more. Actually, there were several fabulous versions of The Dude. Fun for all, all for fun. Happy Birthday, Anthony!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blowin' in the wind

The answers to the woes of the day, the week, the month, the year, seem very elusive right now. As I look around, "pink slips" punctuate every conversation; they are swirling about the campus like a force to be reckoned with (in this particular world of academia, it's called "reduction in force" or "RIF"). "Who was "RIFFED" today?" "Will I be RIFFED tomorrow?" No one seems to know for sure.

Budgets, Decisions. The pit in my stomach. When will it end?

Photo courtesy of DeskofBrian
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