Saturday, March 28, 2009

As one marriage ends, another begins

Maeg got married last month in Indonesia, to Krus. She sent me some photos of her wedding day. She sounds and looks happy, relaxed, content. I am still trying to get used to the idea that she is actually married, but she really is, so I guess I really am glad and happy for her.

The other side of the spectrum is the drama that is unfolding (seemingly) a million miles from the wedding.
I woke up at 4:30 this morning and my thoughts immediately raced to my friend in So Cal, whose husband is moving out today, after 34 years of marriage. She is understandably devastated, shaken, anxious, and angry. Not a clue...not even one clue that her husband was unhappy and had emotionally left her a year ago, trading her in for another model...not a much younger model, but a different model. It took him an entire year to get up the nerve to tell her about the affair and that he wants out. The children are grown (one still at home, but grown).

They have experienced and survived so much over the years. Moving across the country for new jobs, new home, new friends, new lives. Breast cancer. More job changes. The death of his father, and then a few years later, the death of her father. Lean times. Sometimes, very lean times. Robust times, as well. Parties, celebrations, sporting events with their children, endless soccer games and soccer coaching. Hiking Half Dome. Hawaii. Vacations on the river with their boat.

And today is moving day. So sad. So profoundly sad. Why do we humans do this to each other?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life without arms

A colleague sent me this video of a woman who was born without arms. Lest we feel bad or sorry, though, we shouldn't....she doesn't! Watch this video for a wonderful example of inner and outer strength, as well as this individual's relationship with her dog. It's inspiring, heartwarming, and just plain great!

Grace in Small Things: 24/365

1. My body, with all its parts, lovely or not, working well or not
2. A massage from a friend
3. Little Johnny wonderful
4. Pasta, a little or a lot
5. Gravity (as in the pull of)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 23/365

1. Scouting out terrific camping spots on the coast in Nor Cal with my friend, Bonnie
2. Being introduced to Gayle's Bakery in Capitola
3. Having a gym buddy who is patient with my aching back and useless hands
4. My adult children, who still believe I have some wisdom about some things
5. My friend Judy; we have sustained a long distance friendship for over 30 years!

EDIT 024

Since I have been asked to submit a video on my blog for my class, although I have two other videos in previous posts, I am posting this one, which is a little about my new dean, Tammeil Gilkerson.(Mostly about her parents, but a little about her, too) I hope you enjoy watching it. She did mention that she wants NO wisecracks about her hair (in one of the photos; the "do" is quite curly and amazing in that photo; uh, oh, I guess that constitutes a comment. Oopsie!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's GOOD to be GREEN

"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give."
Winston Churchill

To My Wee Lad and Lassies:
(Maeg, Flannery, and Taylor, my children)

Beannachtai na Feile Padraig
(Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 22/365

1. I haven't eaten anything from the "10 Worst Foods of 2009 list
2. Clever items for the office
3. I can call Cathy and still raise a tiny bit of mischief, even if it's only for 5 minutes (which it almost always is... just 5 minutes every week or so)
4. My search for vintage fabric yielded such great results (pricey, but great; no buying, just looking)
5. My trip to my parents will be filled with good deeds and lots and lots of patience (a few cocktails on the veranda won't hurt, either)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 21/365

1. I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and a job
2. I also have friends and family that I love!
3. Sunshine, after lots and lots of rain (glad to have the rain, glad to have it sunny!)
4. My Starbucks connection that brought me Starbucks today, unsolicited! (Remember, I'm not buying Starbucks anymore, but if I get it for free, yeah!)
5. One of my favorite days, St. Patrick's Day, is coming soon! Yeah for all things green!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 20/365

1. My appointment with the vampire (every 56 days)
2. Every drop the vampire gets from me goes to babies born prematurely!(I'm CMV negative, which very few adults are)
3. P.F. Chang's
4. Downtown San Jose in the evening
5. Sweet Soleil gelato and frozen yogurt

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

nComputing - the power of n

I was watching this tech program over the weekend on NBC and one of the topics covered was n Computing. The rest of the world probably knows and uses this all the time, but it was news to me! With this small device that costs very little, you can hook up many stations (without separate towers), add a monitor and a keyboard, and presto! Computing for many, for very little money! Using only one PC, and sharing the resources on that PC, allows many users to complete their computing work at a fraction of the cost. It's being used a lot in schools globally. It's different than cloud computing, which allows access via the Internet.

Grace in Small Things: 19/365

1. Using my fashionable and practical rain boots week after week! It's still raining!
2. Learning about nComputing
3. Less really is more
4. My friend brought me Starbucks at work (I'm trying to kick the Starbucks habit)
5. The daffodils are coming up all over!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Love the Delicious!

I was so excited today! As I was explaining and demonstrating assistive technology to my students in class, I forgot to include some websites for assistance and freebies. Viola! I logged onto my delicious bookmarking website, and lo and behold, there everything was, right at my fingertips! It was so great! I am definitely hooked! No more trying to remember this or that website. Nope! Not anymore. I am a fan! (The website I was going to search for was 101 Helpful Websites for Every Learner) Yeah!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 18/365

1. The Farmer's Market, with all the great smells, sights, and sounds
2. My car doesn't smell anymore because I left all the veggies in a closed, warm car for so long
3. Taylor, for his patience in teaching me about things tech related
4. John Wooden's Pyramid of Success
5. Again, celebrating my mistakes
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