Sunday, March 1, 2009

Grace in Small Things: 18/365

1. The Farmer's Market, with all the great smells, sights, and sounds
2. My car doesn't smell anymore because I left all the veggies in a closed, warm car for so long
3. Taylor, for his patience in teaching me about things tech related
4. John Wooden's Pyramid of Success
5. Again, celebrating my mistakes


  1. Leslie,
    How nice to read your blog and such a beautiful picture and soothing background! Such an artistic blog!! I also like how you posted the main points so you can come back and expand if you want.
    Thank you.

  2. Hi Leslie,
    Speaking of Farmer's Market, where did you go? I love the Farmer's Market at Santana Row on Sunday. I, too, love the smells of fresh fruits and veggies at the market.


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