Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bunny isn't funny

As with all things related to the wee ones, you just never know what you're going to get when you pop a head decoration on a baby. My little spot of sunshine was most agreeable when it came to the "I look like a sweet little flower" here:

My personal favorite: "I'm so adorable, just try looking as cute as I do right now" here:

Even the sunglasses didn't ruin her good mood. Probably because we were going on a walk, and she absolutely loves to go for strolls in her stroller. Wouldn't you, if you looked this good?

She most decidedly had enough when we put the bunny ears on her. Have you ever seen a cuter, pissed off bunny?

Nope. I didn't think so. Me neither.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Confessions of a juror, part three: CASE CLOSED

Much to my relief and consternation, we completed deliberations today and I have been officially relieved of jury duty. So, tomorrow, I go back to my "regular", boring, little, unassuming life. I don't know that I have ever been so grateful to get back to work in my life. Since the process of serving on a murder trial has proven to be a wee bit stressful and uncomfortable, the less said, the better. At least for now. Perhaps at some point in the future, I will be able to discuss it, but not for now. I appreciate that the judge spent about an hour discussing the case with us after we delivered the verdict to answer any questions we had, and that we were personally escorted to our cars by several bailiffs, to ensure our safety.

I counted the stairs today while trudging up for the last time to deliver the verdict. Anywhere from 4 to 6 times a day, we dragged our sorry little asses up and down 125 stairs. And, I only hit the M&M's once in six weeks!

Here's hoping I can actually sleep an entire night tonight. It's been a long time coming. As you can see from the photo below, little spot of sunshine has been wringing her hands and contemplating the entire case, bit by bit. Perhaps she'll sleep a little better too, now. Wish I could hold her tight, and reaffirm all that is good in the world, and as it should be. Goodnight, little spot of sunshine. Sleep tight.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Confessions of a juror, part 2

The drama continues. As we approach our fifth week of the trial (6th if you count the jury selection, which I absolutely do count, as does my employer, I'm sure), closing arguments are expected to continue on Monday, and then we, the jury, will be left to our own devices, to deliberate. We have already received 90 minutes of jury instructions from the judge, who was so apologetic about the length of closing arguments on Thursday, he offered us breakfast on Monday. What a good sport!

Since I can't speak at all about the content of the trial, I can only report on the comings and goings of the audience (it might be called the gallery, I'm not sure about that), as well as the continuing battle with the vending machine areas.

So, here goes. As far as the audience or gallery is concerned, I'm thinking it's much like a wedding. You know, friend of the bride sits on one side, friend of the groom sits on the other side. So, based on my very unscientific experience, I'm guessing (remember, this is just a guess) that the individuals sitting on the left side of the courtroom (the judge's right, looking out from his podium, or stage, or whatever it's called) are friends of the prosecution, and to the right, friends of the defendants. Just a guess, though. The audience or gallery changes daily, with a few faithfuls showing up every single day, and taking their seats on their respective "sides".

We've had the media there many days, as well as a few untimely field trips from the local schools. Geez, I'm not sure I would want to bring my middle schoolers to a murder trial. I say untimely because one young, well-behaved school group showed up and very quietly took their seats when one of the witnesses uttered an expletive over and over and over again, during testimony and also during cross examination. Somehow, when little Joey or Susie gets home from school and the parents ask "How was your day?" and 'What did you learn in school today?", I doubt they will be ready for the answer. "Well, I learned that the F word is used extensively in court, by witnesses and attorneys alike". "And they didn't get in trouble, or anything!"

As far as the vending machine areas, I have discovered two, count 'em, two vending areas in the jury assembly area. I did succumb to one bout of M&M madness (peanut variety, no less), but when I tried to surreptitiously eat them in the courtroom, the juror next to me whipped her head around once I started crunching, even though I thought I had let the M&M "relax" in my mouth for an inordinately long period of time, thereby reducing the crunchiness of it. I hadn't even gotten to the peanut yet. This was just the outside part. Nope. Damn. I tried several M&M's, too, hoping that she would get used to the crunch or I would get better at not crunching. Not to be. I eventually had to give up the idea, lest the entire courtroom be privy to my crunching dilemma. I happily crunched my way home, smacking and chewing to my heart's delight.

Other than the one M&M indiscretion, I have remained faithful to my original idea of the occasional diet soda only, and huffing and puffing my way up and down the many flights of stairs.

I was able to get into work one day this week, and the welcome I received was so enthusiastic, kind and heartwarming! I'm looking forward to getting back to my students!

I am having a fair amount of difficulty in patching up that damn hole in my heart, now that my little spot of sunshine is gone. I saw her this morning on Skype, and although the camera on Maeg's computer really sucks, I was thrilled to see them all. They are enjoying their new digs, and meeting up with old friends. Sad for me, good for them.

Monday, March 1, 2010

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