Thursday, March 11, 2010

Confessions of a juror, part three: CASE CLOSED

Much to my relief and consternation, we completed deliberations today and I have been officially relieved of jury duty. So, tomorrow, I go back to my "regular", boring, little, unassuming life. I don't know that I have ever been so grateful to get back to work in my life. Since the process of serving on a murder trial has proven to be a wee bit stressful and uncomfortable, the less said, the better. At least for now. Perhaps at some point in the future, I will be able to discuss it, but not for now. I appreciate that the judge spent about an hour discussing the case with us after we delivered the verdict to answer any questions we had, and that we were personally escorted to our cars by several bailiffs, to ensure our safety.

I counted the stairs today while trudging up for the last time to deliver the verdict. Anywhere from 4 to 6 times a day, we dragged our sorry little asses up and down 125 stairs. And, I only hit the M&M's once in six weeks!

Here's hoping I can actually sleep an entire night tonight. It's been a long time coming. As you can see from the photo below, little spot of sunshine has been wringing her hands and contemplating the entire case, bit by bit. Perhaps she'll sleep a little better too, now. Wish I could hold her tight, and reaffirm all that is good in the world, and as it should be. Goodnight, little spot of sunshine. Sleep tight.

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