Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly...

I have a new name! Finally, after arduous and lengthy linguistic training by yours truly, in person and on Skype, Miss Zippy now says my name. As a matter of fact, she's been saying it for quite some time. Silly me, I didn't recognize it as "Grams".

Little Lady Luscious has been saying "Poppers" since, well, since forever. Poppers is the name we use to refer to her great-Uncle John, who is my brother. He's not her grandfather, but he certainly lovingly fills that role; so, he decided when she was born that he preferred to be known as "Poppers". She began adding something after "Poppers", but we couldn't figure out what she was saying. "Poppers" came out of her mouth early, often, and clearly. "Grams"? Not so much. I decided when my little spot of sunshine was born that I didn't want to be called "Grandma". It just sounds so grandmotherly! I like "Grammie", but my children call their grandmother "Grammie", so that was out. I wanted something easy, and "Grams" just seemed to fit.

So, are you ready for it? Here's "Grams" in Miss Zippy's world: Galish Mia Mia.

Music to my ears!
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