Tuesday, March 3, 2009

nComputing - the power of n

I was watching this tech program over the weekend on NBC and one of the topics covered was n Computing. The rest of the world probably knows and uses this all the time, but it was news to me! With this small device that costs very little, you can hook up many stations (without separate towers), add a monitor and a keyboard, and presto! Computing for many, for very little money! Using only one PC, and sharing the resources on that PC, allows many users to complete their computing work at a fraction of the cost. It's being used a lot in schools globally. It's different than cloud computing, which allows access via the Internet.

Grace in Small Things: 19/365

1. Using my fashionable and practical rain boots week after week! It's still raining!
2. Learning about nComputing
3. Less really is more
4. My friend brought me Starbucks at work (I'm trying to kick the Starbucks habit)
5. The daffodils are coming up all over!

1 comment:

  1. I never heard of n computing either. I am definitely going to look into it. BTW -- your Blog is looking pretty sharp.


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