Friday, May 29, 2009

Gimme a mulligan

Remember when you were a kid playing a game and you hollered "DO-OVER!"? Depending on what game or sport you were playing, and who you were playing it with, sometimes a do-over was not only feasible, it was really (at least in your humble opinion) the only way to keep the game going. Your teammates and opponents could either agree with you, begrudgingly allow the do-over and continue playing the game, or argue until you were all called in for dinner (or given the "five minute warning"..."dinner in 5 minutes, and wash up in the laundry room before you come into the house"), at which time all bets were off and the game was over, or at least postponed until dinner and dishes were done.

I'm wishing for a do-over right now. Otherwise known as a mulligan, in golf terminology. Some days we get a gimme, which is pretty similar to a freebie, in that the golf shot is so incredibly easy, of course you make the shot you were going for (amazingly enough, I don't always get those gimmes, which is a testament to my horrible golfing, which I can now blame on my hand, elbow, and shoulder issues that have been plaguing me for over a year).

Yep. A mulligan is what I am after. I wonder if grandchildren are nature's way of assuring us (less than perfect) parents of a do-over?

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