Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SNAP! goes the pencil

This month, I'm presenting a series of workshops for students where I work. The topics were chosen by the students themselves, based on requests by students utilizing the tutoring center. We've got "Test Anxiety" (that was yesterday and again in a couple of weeks, because, really, who doesn't get a little anxious when confronted with a test?); "Procrastination and Time Management" (also offered twice this month, due either to its popularity or statistics on the pervasiveness of it on college campuses, or maybe both); "Oral Presentation Anxiety" (or stage fright), and "Note Taking and Memory Strategies".

I decided I would insert a video with a vivid description of what test anxiety feels like, rather than have the students suffer from "death by PowerPoint". In the regular, semester-long class I teach, I frequently use what 'back in the day' we used to call audio/visual aids, but heretofore will be referred to as 'multimedia'. I found a video that is short, to the point, and short. Really short. Less than one minute of freedom from the "death by PowerPoint".

It's kind of mean, really. I mean, these students came to the workshop because they were all a bundle of nerves to begin with. Of course they know what test anxiety feels like! Did I really find it necessary to shove their faces in it?

Why, yes indeedy, I did. After all, I want to be a "with it" kind of lecturer that uses a multitude of teaching approaches. (As an aside here, being referred to as lecturer is fine...however, I do enjoy being referred to at home as "Professor Mom" or "Dr. Mom", and yes, feel free to bow your head ever-so-slightly, yet reverently, or perhaps a very simple and elegant and, I might add, an almost imperceptible curtsy, like you were meeting the Queen Mum and all.)

So, that said, here's the video (it's short):

Test Anixiety from Eric Sims on Vimeo.

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