Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So long, Taylor

My son, my youngest, moved to So Cal today. We helped pack his truck and sent him on his way.

Bye, Bud. I will miss you. So very much. You moved out about a year ago, but that felt different. You were still in San Jose, just a phone call/short drive away. Close enough to swing by for the weekly or bi-weekly laundry and Costco drop off/pick up. Now, you are off, really gone, starting a new life with Racquel. I know you are excited to start this stage of your life, and I'm excited for you. Nothing screams grown-up quite like moving hundreds of miles away from your family of origin. I know you've been very responsible and oh, so grown up for a while now. But, it's more real somehow.

Glad we had time to do some camping together this summer. Glad we had time to play cards and hang out together.

Most of all, glad and so proud to call you my son. I love you, sure, but I really like you, too. I will miss you fiercely, and love you even more.

1 comment:

  1. I love you too Mom! Thanks for the well wishes :)

    I'll be sure to send pictures once I get the whole apartment shining!


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