Monday, February 15, 2010

My Favorite Valentine

I have a favorite valentine. I spent the day with my new, favorite valentine. My favorite valentine sang to me, giggled, and spent a wee bit of time on the couch, contemplating life, with pinky up on one hand, showing excellent manners (you know, when in doubt, pinky out) and flipping the world off with the other hand, albeit most likely unintentionally. Maybe not.

As I was changing my valentine's diaper (as in all significant relationships that go through some shit, my undying love and affection includes a lot of poop, as Sohna is affectionately referred to as "Sohna Super Pooper"), I started to whistle a happy little tune. It's been a few days since I've whistled to Sohna, so she was surprised. She stopped wiggling, stared at me for quite some time with those amazingly beautiful eyes of hers, and then proceeded to join in. Not a coo or two. A full blown stanza of her version of singing. Sounds a lot like a really long-winded coo, rising up an octave and continuing for quite some time. I was thrilled! Maeg assures me she's singing, and Sohna sings along with Maeg quite frequently.

My valentine also giggled. She's been working on this for some time, starting to laugh, but having some difficulty executing the actual full sound of a laugh. Well, bless her little giggly self, she did it. Sheer bliss!


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