Saturday, February 27, 2010

A quick study

As the date nears for Maeg, Krus, and Sohna to leave for Vashon Island, I feel compelled to impart some of my worldly knowledge and experience on Sohna, who, after all, is not yet 12 weeks old, and could hardly be expected to know everything. After all, what are grandparents for?

This week, we have been practicing all the obnoxious deeds kids feel obligated to show to other kids and adults alike. I don't want Sohna arriving in her new neighborhood without some of the tried-and-true antics that all kids seem to enjoy, at one time or another. For example, who doesn't like "seefood" and "train-wreck-in-a-tunnel", which involves a fair amount of food in one's mouth and invariably elicits groans from adults? That was high on the list this week. We also practiced "farting" by placing one's hand in one's armpit, and we thoroughly reviewed the advantages and joys of "whoopie cushions". We recited the ABC's while burping, after very quickly ingesting just the right amount of a diet soda (me, not Sohna), and also practiced farting and burping loudly, and then quickly looking at others around us with a rather astonished look on our faces. And, of course, a family favorite, snorting like a pig, on command, no less, was also high on the favs list (Maeg taught Flanny to do this when Flanny was 6 months old, so I have high hopes for Sohna...maybe it runs in the family; who knows?).

We spent a great deal of time "oohing" and "aahing" over the daffodils that have managed to make a cheerful, friendly, and sunny appearance just before Sohna departs, and we have thoroughly reviewed the rewards and joys of gardening and just where to plant the vegetables to ensure a healthy crop. Sohna is very opinionated about it all, but wisely defers to my judgment in these matters.

All in all, it's been a very productive week for us. Lots and lots of talking (words for me and cooing on her part) and giggling (she is quite the giggle girl, I must say), and so very many smiles (both of us), mixed in with a few tears (mine). Here is Sohna enjoying the daffodils and one of the many chats.

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