Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Take me out to the ballgame"...and other joys of spring

It's uncomfortably warm here. Birds are chirping, grass is browning, pollen is blowing, barbeques are fired up, my sunburn is itching. All the signs of spring are present, and the eminent summer looms ahead, like a sleepless, restless "I can't get to sleep because it's so darn hot in here, and oh, by the way, I think I have that restless leg syndrome because I can't keep my legs still and what do I do about that" night. I have decided to try to adjust my attitude about hot weather. Not enjoying it doesn't make it go away. Plus, there are some really nifty things about spring and summer. Baseball, for example. I now am the proud owner of two, count 'em, two pairs of Giants tickets. Not really tickets, but those cards you buy at Costco that will turn into tickets once we pick the game we can all agree to go to (me, Little Johnny baseball, Taylor, and Rick). I love baseball, and I'm excited about the prospect of going to a stadium that I've never been to before. We made it to one A's game last year and froze our buns off. We even looked at the merchandise, thinking we could buy a sweatshirt, but at some ungodly amount (I think it was about $45), we chose to freeze our buns off. We didn't have a car (I always keep sweatshirt(s) in my car for just such an occasion), as we took BART, being the energy-conscious group), so we were screwed.

Okay, so baseball is one of the more pleasurable aspects of spring and summer. Root beer floats is another fabulous way to celebrate a very hot evening. Just had one last night. No dinner, just a root beer float. Yum. Cools you all the way down. You can feel the pipes inside your chest dropping several degrees as you happily slurp up the refreshing concoction. Golf. There's another happy thought about spring and summer. Love the golf.

The beach! My most favorite thing about summer is the beach. Maybe someday I will even remember to put on sunscreen. I wear it every single day on my face. Wouldn't dream of starting my day without it. I completely forget, however, that the rest of my body might appreciate it, too. As I am watching the surfers at FOUR MILE, chatting with them, playing Chalupa, or just enjoying (not) all the technical stuff I brought to read last weekend (and actually plowed through almost all of the 200+ pages, thank you very much), the hours click by and I forget that I am IN THE SUN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. Fortunately, I am blessed (or cursed) with an extremely high pain tolerance, so a sunburn almost never hurts. At all. Not one little, teensy, weensy bit. Except when it's on the back of my legs, which it isn't. I read sitting up, so the tops of my feet and the front of my legs are sunburned, but nothing else.

So many other things about spring and summer to appreciate. Salads. Lots and lots of salads. Lemonade. Fruit. Veggies. Picnics. Popsicles of any kind. Remember Big Sticks? How about those orange and white Creamsicles? All good, any old time. See how this works? Yes, I am working on my attitude about warm weather. Hot weather. Sticky, oppressive, sweating all over weather. Ooops, looks like I've got some work to do still. Think ice. Think nice ice.

Grace in Small Things: 29/365

1. One of our very own is going to the White House
2. Two days of learning, instead of teaching
3. Breezes in the afternoon
4. My friends, who are holding my current familial dilemma with me as I consider all options, but really deep down, know what I need to do, in order to live with myself
5. Little Johnny, whose words of wisdom include "Pack your bags, Sis. You are going on a guilt trip".

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